Wells Beaches

Sea Mist is at the heart of several Wells beaches. You can walk to Wells Beach from our property, take a trolley or drive to numerous beautiful sandy beaches. Wells Beach is a seven mile long barrier beach separated from the mainland by the Webhannet River, perfect for a day of sun and fun, swimming in the refreshing surf, or for a long beach walk.
To visit the main part of Wells Beach, turn right onto Route 1 and follow to Mile Road on your right which continues to the beach. The Eastern most point of Wells Beach is located to the left as you go up Atlantic Avenue to the end point, also known as Eastern Shore, this beach has great views of the entrance to Wells Harbor and the comings and goings of boats on the Webhannet River.
Another beautiful Wells Beach is on Drakes Island, reached by taking a right out of our drive and on to Route 1 to Drakes Island Road. Take a right onto Drakes Island Road and follow to the end, then right on Island Beach Road to the end where you will find public parking, restrooms, and life guards on duty in season. This beach has great sunsets, and overlooks Wells Harbor, a working fishing and boating harbor. From here, you can watch the fishermen, yachts and kayaks come and go, and explore tidal pools at low tide.
Moody Beach is reached if go left on Route 1 from Sea Mist to Bourne Avenue. Moody Beach is a great sandy beach for long walks or to enjoy the surf. You can walk for miles on Moody Beach which leads to Ogunquit’s North Beach, then Footbridge Beach and finally Ogunquit Beach.
Ogunquit beaches are close to Sea Mist, starting with Footbridge Beach which is connected from Ocean Street by a Footbridge (hence the name). Ogunquit Beach is 3.5 miles long. Main Beach is the most popular section, located on the southwestern point of Ogunquit Beach. This is where the action is on sunny summer days, with convenient parking, trolley stops, shops and restaurants off Beach Street. Ogunquit’s Main Beach is also fun for families since the Ogunquit River flows here, making it a perfect place to ride the river current floating on tubes or water toys.
From Ogunquit Beach you can walk the Marginal Way, a scenic oceanfront walkway that skirts the shore for a mile from Ogunquit Beach to Perkins Cove where you will find an historic but functional draw bridge, and lots of seaside boutiques, galleries, seafood restaurants and ice cream shops.
Kennebunk and Kennebunkport are just a few miles away with five more beaches to explore, and to our south, York has several beautiful beaches from Long and Short Sands to Harbor Beach.
Wells Dining Guide l Southern Maine Things to Do l Wells Beaches l Ogunquit l Kennebunkport