
Benefits of Timeshare Ownership at Sea Mist & Vacation Exchange through RCI
In our opinion one of the best timeshare VALUES EVER
During a stay at Sea Mist you may not encounter large spacious units and lots of extravagant resort amenities that you may find at other Resort Condominium International (RCI) affiliated resorts. However Sea Mist’s small size and minimal resort amenities are benefits for Sea Mist owners in that your initial purchase price and annual maintenance fee rates for your unit at Sea Mist are considerably less than what you would encounter if you had purchased at another RCI affiliated resort. The average industry purchase price for a timeshare unit is now $22,940.00*, with average industry annual maintenance fees coming in at $980.00* ($650.00* for the average studio unit).
To date Sea Mist owners have also never paid an additional Assessment Fee for capital improvements to the property above and beyond that which is built into the annual maintenance fee. Owners at many other RCI affiliate resorts encounter large Assessments above and beyond their annual maintenance fees ranging from multiple hundreds to thousands of dollars.
There are very few RCI affiliated resorts on the southern coast of Maine; like Sea Mist, those that are affiliated are not fully dedicated timeshare resorts, which results in Sea Mist being a high demand resort even without a Gold Crown or other special RCI rating. This high demand for Sea Mist gives our owners great Exchange Trading Power (TP) within the RCI exchange system**.
With the 2010 launch of the RCI Weeks Enhancement program, and with the addition of Exchange Credits and Combining ETP owners who use the RCI exchange system now have the possibility of receiving multiple vacation exchanges from just one deposited week, or combining multiple weeks to get a resort that previously might not have been attainable.
RCI offers ‘Exchange Sales’ several times a year where you may pick up a vacation exchange for only 4-5 exchange credits. Sea Mist’s TP rates have ranged from 10 (blue weeks) to highs in the mid to high-20’s (red weeks). Under one of these ‘sales’ promotions even owners of off-season weeks can pick multiple vacations for their one-week deposit.
Exchanging through the RCI system offers our owners the largest travel window to utilize ownership weeks. RCI has always had the 3-year travel window when taking advantage of the Early Deposit*** feature, with the addition of ‘combining’ weeks, that window can now be extended even further out. When you elect to combine your ETP or Deposit Credits, you will be able to travel 1 additional year from the date the ETP/Credits are combined.
If you have an active RCI membership, we would recommend that you create an account if you have not already done so. There is no additional cost and many benefits with; you can see your deposited ETP, combine week/credit, do vacation searches, initiate ongoing searches and much more. You will also receive email notifications of special deals that RCI may be offering, such as Exchange Sales, Extra Vacation Getaway discounts and early deposit incentives. lets you use a number of different ‘filters’ when initiating a vacation search. You can search by resort ID numbers, by region, by date or by key word search. Normally most of us decide where we want to travel and then check for availability. With the search by date feature you might consider a search for your vacation a little backwards; enter your desired travel dates and see what RCI has to offer. You may come across an option you might just love. The online RCI resort directory offers additional information on what the area or regional has to offer. If you plan to book in the traditional way and find that a unit is not available in your desired travel destination, we cannot stress enough the importance of initiating an ONGOING SEARCH. The ongoing search allows the RCI system to continue your search 24/7/365 rather than just the few minutes that you are on or on the phone with the customer services call center.
*Source: the American Resort Development Association International Foundation (AIF)’s Vacation Timeshare Industry: United States Study, 2019 edition.
**Please review the following RCI Weeks Enhancement overview to make sure you are getting the best benefits the program has to offer.
***Please review Early Deposit Guidelines for the timetable overview on RCI Exchange Use Page.