Personal Use

Personal Use/Guest Use or Private Rental at Sea Mist Resort
You may use your week at the Sea Mist for your own personal use, guest use, or to enter into a private rental agreement. You would also select “Own Use” if you desire to give your week to a third party exchange entity.
Usage of the week is limited to the calendar year of ownership.
IMPORTANT All fees must be current for the period of intended use.
Submit your Statement/Invoice with payment indicating OWN USE and your desired DATE SELECTIONS
Your week assignment will be issued based on your ownership type and selection choices submitted
GUEST USE: Sea Mist must be provided with the guest name, address & phone number prior to the arrival date.
PRIVATE RENTAL: All financial transactions in relation to the rental must be handled directly between the OWNER and the RENTER or RENTAL AGENCY. Sea Mist will not be involved with any portion of the financial transaction. NOTE: Sea Mist does offer a Private Rental Agreement template available upon request for your convenience.
IF NO DATES ARE INDICATED: No assignment will be issued, please contact us in a timely manner to avoid the risk of losing your week.